April 24/26—Final Website Project Presentations

Before Class


For this week and next, we will have class presentations of your final projects. They DO NOT need to be completed yet. In fact, I would be surprised if they were.

What I want from you on these presentations is a preliminary look at what you’ve been working on. Show us a work-in-progress. Walk us through what you have so far, show us what you are working on, and tell us what you have left. What are you research questions? Have they changed? Did your visualizations or maps work? Think of this as a casual presentation. Your classmates can also provide input on your project at this point. Consider what they have to say.


After Class

Final Website Project Guidelines

You will be building an individual website project in WordPress or Omeka.net. This should be separate from your blog you’ve been working on each week for the class.

Each project must contain:

  1. A written narrative (This should be about the equivalent of a 4-5 page paper in Word, give or take 1-2 pages each way. Do not go over 7) You must include an introduction to the topic, your thesis statement regarding what you are arguing, and supporting information for your thesis. The topic MUST be entertainment history-based.
  2. Include at least two images that you have checked the copyright and you have the legal right to publish it on your page.
  3. Include at least two visual elements that we have covered in class. These include timelines, text mining, visualizations, charts, maps, etc. You can also create a podcast or video as a “visual” element.
  4. You must include footnotes in your writing for your citations. If the information is not from your head, it must be cited. If the source is available online, provide a footnoted link. If it is not, include a footnote using Chicago Style.
  5. A separate bibliography page of all the sources you used for the project. Organize them by Primary and Secondary sources and format them in Chicago Style.
  6. Use appropriate design elements. Your font, colors, and design should be easy to read and appropriate for your topic.
  7. You must include navigation and menus in your final project.
  8. Your name  MUST be on the about page.
  9. Please include an about page. This will explain your thought process with the topic. Explain what inspired you to write on this topic, your challenges you had with the project, and anything else you find relevant for me as a grader. Think of it as a reflection page!

These are the minimum requirements for the final project.

You must email me your final project URL by MAY 10 at 10:15am. Late work is not accepted.